Back for another day...
Today's been tougher because i've had to stay inside all day in order for me to get all my work done. And yet when im inside and trying to get on with work, all i can think about is not eating and how to avoid it!
I had taken some pills last night to get me to sleep, however it leaves you drowsy the nest day. So when i got up i didn't do anything for hours because i was too lethargic to do work, but too awake to sleep! It was a nightmare!
Eventually i did get up and get on with my work at about 9am. I had 2 go-ahead slices and a pepsi max to keep me awake. It slugged along to midday, and trying to write my essay was like pulling teeth. Painful.
At 1pm I had my other slice (there's 3 in a pack) and 40g of grapes. One of the best purchases i've made was my scales - they are brilliant when you need to convert things to calories. I continued with my work, interspersing it with episodes of '8 out of 10 cats' (yes, i've progressed to series 5!). Around 6.00pm, i decided to have my tea. It was a small bowl of lettuce, 1/5 cucumber, 3 cherry tomatoes and 6 olives. I did actually enjoy it!
I made sure the girls weren't anywhere near the kitchen when i got the food. My heart always skips a beat if i hear someone come out of my room when im preparing food! I will tell you now, that since i've been in this flat (since january), i've only eaten in front of the flatmates once. Only two meals i cooked were properly prepared ones (not microwaved), and of all the meals i've had many were for purging - mainly macaroni cheese.
Since then, i've been back in my room again and am now going to get another early night (although im correcting myself bit by bit, its getting later by an hour every day).
Thanks for your comment Lily! It's so nice to hear from you again. I hope you're ok, please let me know how things are going. Last time i spoke to you, you said you were going through a rough patch i think, is it any better now?
Also thanks for the two who ticked the boxes below my last blog - i do check and it does encourage me to blog again. So please rate and comment - every little helps!
Breakfast: 2 go-ahead slices (104kcal)
Lunch: 1 go-ahead slice (52kcal), 40g grapes (28kcal)
Tea: small salad - lettuce, 3 cherry toms, 1/5 cucumber, 6 olives (30kcal)
Snack: 3 pieces of gum (15kcal)
Drinks: 4 pepsi max (4kcal) with ice
So, tomorrow i go to uni and i don't know whether im happy or nervous. I keep thinking 'what a waste of time' when i can spend it trying to complete the assignments, and not sitting to stuff that isn't going to help me with the essay question! Im not bitter or anything ;)
Right, a bientot! And i'll blog same time tomorrow!
Xx Poppy xX
I am soo glad you are writing your blog again :D :D It's great to finally get to read it again/